The reading assignments for the CopyrightX courses are indicated in the syllabi for those courses. All of those readings are available online in a variety of formats. In addition, most of the readings are available in bound paper volumes, which can be ordered from Createspace. The extensive set of materials assigned in the Harvard Law School Copyright course are contained in two volumes: Part A and Part B of Cases and Materials on Copyright, Version 1 (2016). The shorter set of materials assigned in the online CopyrightX sections and in some of the Affiliated Courses are contained in a single volume: Cases and Materials on Copyright, Version 2 (2016). Each volume costs $10.
Students interested in reading even more widely may find helpful the materials contained in the following sites:
- Unesco Collection of National Copyright Laws
- World Intellectual Property Organization
- WIPO Collection of National Laws
- United States Copyright Office
Recent developments in copyright law, as well as insightful evaluations of those developments, may be found in the following blogs:
- 1709 Blog
- Authors Guild
- Copyhype
- IPKat
- IP Watch
- Rebecca Tushnet’s 43(B)log
- Recording Industry versus the People
- Spicy IP
- Stanford CIS Blog